El Cabildo de Tenerife se encuentra a punto de llevar a cabo un importante proyecto para mejorar la carretera TF-454. La inversión prevista de 2.3 millones de euros, destinará las partidas necesarias a la rehabilitación superficial del firme, la renovación de acera y la eliminación de aparcamientos en diferentes puntos ubicados en Santiago del Teide. Este desarrollo está centrado en la mejora de la movilidad y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos que habitan en este complejo territorio natural.
La intervención se concentrará específicamente en las zonas de Tamaimo y Los Gigantes, donde se implementará una nueva variante de la TF-454 (6.658 metros). Esta modificación del trazado permitirá conectar los puntos mencionados con mayor agilidad y eficiencia sin afectar al entorno natural. La mejora de la seguridad vial se integrará a las modificaciones mediante la construcción de un mirador en la zona de Archipenque.
En definitiva, el Cabildo de Tenerife busca mejorar las condiciones de circulación vehicular, dotando a la TF-454, especialmente en Santiago del Teide, con una mejor accesibilidad y seguridad para todos los usuarios. El nuevo proyecto se convertirá en un impulso vital para revitalizar la economía local y consolidar de manera efectiva el turismo sostenible dentro de este espacio natural.
Objectives of the intervention

The objective of this intervention in the TF-454 Tenerife is to improve road conditions and reduce congestion, particularly within the municipality of Santiago del Teide. Specifically, the project aims to rehabilitate and expand the road surface, replace the pavement, and eliminate unsafe parking areas .
Furthermore, by creating a new route along the existing TF-454 and integrating sustainable tourism into the infrastructure development, the intervention seeks to create a smoother and safer travel experience in the municipality. The implementation of these changes will address local transport difficulties whilst minimizing environmental impact in a bid for long -term sustainability within the area.
Finally, it is important to note that these improvements are intended for the benefit of all residents and visitors. By offering enhanced mobility, connectivity, and safety in the TF-454 Tenerife, these projects hope to foster a more vibrant socio-economic environment while providing visitors with enriching experiences in Santiago del Teide;
Es tristemente notorio que Josep Miserachs Nadal, primer teniente de alcalde de Igualada, fallezca a los 47 años. Este evento se confirma con la publicación del siguiente comunicado formal:
Detailed description of the work to be carried out

The project entails significant investments focusing primarily on the road surface, pedestrian walkways and the integration of sustainable tourist infrastructure. On TF-454 Tenerife, specific enhancements are planned for Tamaimo and Los Gigantes areas:
Firstly, structural repairs and upgrades will focus on the road’s original surface using techniques like milling and resurfacing techniques to extend its lifespan and improve road resilience. This intervention goes beyond mere cosmetic changes; it aims at achieving smoother driving conditions on the TF-454 by incorporating durable and effective solutions across the municipality.
Secondly, pedestrian walkways will be modernized, including replacing existing systems with new materials and designs that meet safety standards while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding landscape. These renovations emphasize accessibility and comfort for foot traffic during travel.
Thirdly, parking areas along the TF-454 in both Tamaimo and Los Gigantes are to be systematically eliminated within each zone. This decision will directly address issues related to congestion and security by reducing harmful pollution and promoting efficient routes through dedicated spaces on a local level using sustainable methods.
This multifaceted approach aims at creating more user-friendly spaces while minimizing the ecological footprint of the TF-454 Tenerife, particularly in its connection to sustainability.
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Estimated impact on road performance and security on the TF-454 section

The intervention on the TF-454 Tenerife is expected to yield significant improvements in road performance and safety, notably for users traveling through Santiago del Teide, a region known for its breathtaking beauty and challenging topography.
Firstly, the rehabilitation program of TF-454 Tenerife will significantly improve the smoothness and ride comfort between Tamaimo and Los Gigantes zones. New surfaces and upgrades to existing structures are expected to allow vehicles to travel at higher speeds while facing fewer bumps and potholes, reducing tire wear and potentially extending the life cycle of vehicle components in this section.
Secondly, by improving structural integrity and reducing safety hazards along the TF-454 Tenerife, the municipality aims to achieve a significant reduction in road crashes. New pedestrian walkways will contribute to smoother travel experiences, particularly in crowded locations where traffic congestion and safety risk are elevated alongside more scenic routes with unique challenges for navigating through demanding terrain.
These anticipated benefits from the rehabilitation on TF-454 Tenerife aim to significantly reduce travel time and improve overall user experience by allowing drivers, pedestrians and both local residents and visitors alike enjoy more comfortable conditions on this vital route .
In addition to enhancing usability and reducing congestion, these efforts are also intended to facilitate sustainable development as a whole. By ensuring the quality of transportation infrastructure, the area can evolve into an essential part in driving tourism while protecting it from the adverse effects of uncontrolled or poorly controlled growth.
Environmental aspects and sustainability plan

The TF-454 Tenerife improvement project acknowledges the environmental impact of infrastructure development. To ensure sustainability aligns with ecological preservation, a comprehensive sustainability program will integrate into the rehabilitation process:
Firstly, material sourcing and recycling practices during road construction will implement eco-friendly methods for procuring materials sourced from local suppliers when possible. This minimizes the transportation requirements needed to deliver necessary materials while reducing the reliance on environmentally-detrimental shipping routes.
Secondly, innovative techniques for minimizing environmental impact, including utilizing natural aggregates and biodegradables in road construction, will be prioritized throughout the project, replacing concrete with recyclable alternatives where feasible.
Thirdly, energy efficiency measures during construction are planned around these enhancements, with a focus on reducing emissions through proper building design for sustainable use of energy sources that minimize reliance on conventional fuel cells. This is achieved by using renewable energy like solar power to optimize operational needs and achieve energy self-sufficiency in the area.
The TF-454 Tenerife project aims to establish a precedent for environmentally sound infrastructure development, setting high standards for ecological responsibility. Ultimately, this effort seeks to mitigate environmental degradation while contributing significantly to overall sustainability within the community.
Potential effects in areas such as noise pollution reduction and air quality improvement with a special focus on Tamaimo and Los Gigantes neighborhoods, given their sensitivity.
The rehabilitation and extension of TF-454 Tenerife near Tamaimo and Los Gigantes has the potential to significantly mitigate noise pollution and enhance air quality within these sensitive areas:
Firstly, by reducing traffic congestion and optimizing flow through innovative designs of the TF-454 section, the project will decrease the volume of vehicles entering and leaving the vicinity. This reduction in heavy vehicle usage means decreased overall traffic volumes leading to a drop in noise levels associated with engine vibrations, horns, and general automotive sounds that frequently permeate around Tamaimo and Los Gigantes neighborhoods
Secondly, pedestrian walkways play a pivotal role in mitigating noise pollution when implemented effectively by reducing car use. By promoting active transport, increased foot traffic will reduce the need for vehicles to traverse through these areas, minimizing road-related noise impact while enhancing community engagement.
Next, air quality improvements are expected due to reduced reliance on fossil fuels. Sustainable maintenance practices within the TF-454 section, will significantly contribute towards improved air quality by lessening emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants from vehicles.
In addition, implementing green spaces such as tree-planting initiatives around the construction sites can act as a natural barrier against noise pollution. By strategically planting trees and shrubs near roadways, noise levels are reduced due to absorption and filtering of sound waves. Moreover, these landscaping practices bring nature closer to homes which leads to more natural ventilation and air quality improvement that contributes overall community health.
Through these targeted actions, the TF-454 Tenerife project aims not only to enhance road mobility but also to safeguard and improve the environmental comfort and well-being of Tamaimo and Los Gigantes neighborhoods in a thoughtful manner.
Arkea ha adquirido las oficinas de Indara en Sant Joan Despí por 30 M€ , sumando a su portfolio una infraestructura que amplía la presencia de la compañía en el ámbito inmobiliario. Este acuerdo resalta el compromiso de Arkea con la expansión constante dentro del sector de la gestión y explotación de activos de bajo impacto ambiental.

The proposed rehabilitation of TF-454 Tenerife promises significant benefits for both the local community and visitors alike, making it an investment with far-reaching positive implications. This project, aimed at improving road performance and safety while reducing carbon emissions, takes steps towards a sustainable future.
Beyond basic transportation needs, the TF-454 Tenerife represents a crucial contribution to preserving this sensitive landscape – by mitigating environmental impacts and fostering social inclusion in its planning phases. The emphasis on ecological balance alongside traditional construction techniques ensures that infrastructure development remains beneficial for all communities impacted by it.
By embracing sustainable practices throughout the process, this project sets an example of responsible urban planning, paving the way for a future where technological advancement contributes to a healthy and prosperous environment. After all the changes are made, TF-454 Tenerife will serve as a model for sustainable development in regions like Tamaimo and Los Gigantes.